Friday, February 12, 2010

Last night, me, Mom, Dad and Megan went out for supper at Hard Rock Cafe. Hard Rock Cafe is a really good restaurant that has its own gift shop and used clothing by the Sex Pistols and Elvis Presley.
At the restaurant they have live bands playing and a dj there.
The guy in the yellow shirt is the lead singer and also plays guitar. The guy in the black shirt is the lead guitarist. It was the same band that we saw at the New Years Eve ball at Clarke Quay (you pronounce the quay part as "key").
We went there so I could write about it in this blog page and to eat supper.
The name of the band was Energy and they offered me to sing on stage (but I didn’t). The lead singer gave me his autograph and the lead guitarist let me hold his guitar!


  1. You should have gone on stage and sang! Sounds like the night your father went on stage with the band when we were on the cruise!

  2. very kool evan if pop was there we would have gone and sung
