Friday, February 19, 2010

This is Megan and I at Little India. We got our henna drawn on our arms and legs. Henna is black ink made from plants. When the lady finished puting it on me it was all dry and clumply but when it fell off it is stained into my arm. Henna does not hurt like a tattoo. It is in a tube that when you squeze it the henna comes out on your hand. When Indian people get married, the wife gets henna done on her legs, feet, arms and hands. They are told that the longer their henna stays on them the happier their marriage will be. A lady who worked at the henna shop, took my piture and put it in the henna album for everybody to see. The next henna I am getting, is a big dragon on my back!!!! I am sooooo excited!!
I got a lizard running up my arm and Megan got flowers and vines on her ankle.


  1. The henna was pretty cool! It reminds me of the pictures I saw of Rosemin's daughter's wedding. She had her hands, arms, feet and legs filled with henna before she got married. It was very beautiful!

  2. how did they do that/tyhat looks cool

  3. I think this Dragon Tattoo is sooooooooo awsome and it looks so kool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . by Brianna Simms

  4. your kana looks sooooo awsome. it makes you look cool

    from: tyler
